Many of us live a mediocre life, even though we have the potential to have a great one. It is said that out of 100 people, only 4 will have a financially successful life. This means, a shocking 95% of us will most likely not have the life we imagined!
Let’s make sure we do not fall under this category. Let’s transform our life before 8 am!
If one wants a fulfilling and happy life, the morning routines is a place to start. Many successful people, multimillionaires, top managers are early birds and probably get more done before you even drink your morning coffee! But it’s not only about waking up early, it’s also about how you wake up and the rituals you go through each day. We may call this simply discipline. The ability to sacrifices your immediate comfort and endure difficulty for a greater good and future benefit. Also remember that, “How you do anything is how you do everything!” Our life is an interlinked puzzle, consisting of many tiny pieces (our actions), and logically, whatever we do, will not be in an isolation, but rather will have an effect on our future success; one good example can be when and how we wake up tomorrow or any other one single day.
Below is the sum up of what I have personally experienced, and also the results on my readings on this particular topic, best one being the Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod.
1. Set your mind for it!
Did you press the snooze button this morning? If you did, do not do this again. Hitting the snooze bottom basically is a sign that you do not have a purpose or you may have one but not feel committed to it. If you find you are sluggish in the morning, try to change the way you think about sleeping and the mornings in general. If you do not believe me, simply research. Consider how you go to sleep the night before! If you go to sleep thinking that I have to wake up early and will not have enough sleep, this is exactly how you will feel. But if you tell yourself that you have an important day tomorrow, and that you will wake up early fresh, you may just have that with as little as 4 hours of sleep.
2. Get up when you wake up!
Place your alarm clock to the other side of the room. This means you actually need to stand up to turn it off. When you do, immediately go wash your hands and face and brush your teeth. This will give you a good enough freshness. Then go to kitchen and drink a glass of water. This enables you to rehydrate after a night of losing hydration through breathing. Be aware that dehydration can make you tired, so rehydrating the first thing in the morning makes sure you avoid that remaining tired even after a good night of sleep.
3. Practice purposeful silence!
Dedicate some time to yourself by sitting somewhere quite, and say nothing and think nothing, only concentrate on yourself and your being. Some people call this meditation, some call it connecting to God, and some aligning with nature! Regardless of what we call it, this helps us reduce the stress and prepares you for potential challenges ahead. This is best done sitting, closed eye, breathing out slowly, and remaining so for 10 minutes. In the beginning it will be dam hard, but it will gradually become easier. If you absolutely cannot do this, you may think of the things you are grateful in life for. Some people call this praying.
4. Affirm your vision!
Imagine how you want your life to look in every area. Repeat your personal vision statement a few times. Clarify your motives by asking yourself why you want what you want. Also, ask yourself, what you are committed to do to get there. Try to visualize all this. Affirmation and visualization are strong tools. Visualizing the life of your dreams and affirming to yourself the action you are willing to take to make it happen will change the perspective on how you will deal with your daily issues.
5. Plan your day ahead!
Make a list of what you want to accomplish during the day and night today. Some people prepare this list even the night before, some do it on the beginning of a day. From my experience, it is important to have a list that is feasible, and reviewing it in the morning, making sure that we are clear on the day’s priorities.
6. Do exercise!
We all know the importance of expertise. Research proves that a minimum level of it is absolutely required both for physical and also mental health. Unfortunately, we can always use some justifications not to exercise. Also, we get busy during the day and last minute appointment can occur and important tasks pop up. So often in the evening, we end of on the couch, so exhausted that we let go going for a run or workout. The whole sport thing seems difficult then! So, why not make time for it in the very early morning and simply get it done first thing. This can aid and contribute to your success heavily.
7. Eat breakfast!
When you have set and prepared your mind and body to start the day, it is important to have the energy to do so as well. Try to eat something after your workout, ideally health. But no matter what, eat in the morning.
8. Add immense value!
After preparing your mind and body and giving them energy they need, it is time for doing something. We can talk and philosophize forever, but turning thoughts into action is game changer. We must take the first step of a day strong. Best is to do something that actually adds value. Reading and writing are two activities that makes you reflect on your success, either in the past or be it in the future. Reading and writing inspire us, frames our mind, and clarifies path for actions. A good number to aim for reading is 10 pages a day, and to write two pages. This keeps you in the loop. This means roughly you will have read a book each months on 12 in a year. And writing two pages a day well may give you the material of a book. If you do not have a book writing goal, simply write whatever, but do write.
Now that you have learned the above, it is important that you make your own version of the above. For me personally, depending on my time availability, all above takes maximum 80 minutes (each item 10 minutes), and at least 8 minutes (each item taking a single minute). The time may vary, but the routine shall be kept alive. Discipline, it is called! I have noticed and also read that to form a habit, it take 40 days. So only the first 40 days will be hard, and after you will feel the sense of success every morning when you wake up. A good feeling indeed.