مروری بر آنچه تا به حال گفته شد...
مروری بر آنچه تا به حال گفته شد...
در قسمت قبلی به معرفی رویکردهای مختلف استوار با سطوح محافظه کاری متفاوت پرداختیم. همانطور که گفته شد هرچه سطح محافظه کاری بالاتر باشد مقدار تابع هدف از مقدار بهینه فاصله بیشتری می گیرد. در ادامه به معرفی رویکرد محافظه کارانه ای پرداخته می شود که در آن با تعیین حدی برای بدتر شدن تابع هدف توسط تصمیم گیرنده، هزینه استوارسازی مدل کنترل می شود؛ به عبارت دیگر با اعمال محدودیتی بین استواری شدنی بودن و استواری بهینگی توازن ایجاد می شود.
مروری بر آنچه تا به حال گفته شد...
در قسمت قبلی به معرفی یک رویکرد استوار محافظه کارانه پرداختیم. همانطور که گفته شد رویکردهای مختلف استوار سطوح متفاوتی از محافظه کاری تامین می کنند. هرچه سطح محافظه کاری بالاتر باشد مقدار تابع هدف از مقدار بهینه فاصله بیشتری می گیرد. انتخاب از میان این مدلها باید بر اساس حساسیت کاربرد مورد نظر صورت گیرد. در ادامه رویکردی معرفی می شود که از نظر سطح محافظه کاری انعطاف پذیر است.
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Today, one of the most difficult challenges for student is writing an academic paper. While knowledge and oratory are what students need more in the professional world, writing a research paper demands more than these two skills.
This essay is aimed at students or researchers in any field of study who wish to write a research paper in English. This article is useful for both inexperienced and experienced authors (also authors whose first language are English or not). It helps You to increase your chances of acceptance of your manuscript.
The essay is divided into several parts and each part will be published every Tuesday through this weblog. ادامه مطلب ...
Generally, indefinite articles (a, an) are used with countable nouns while the definite article (the) is normally applied with uncountable nouns. However, they can be used with both countable or uncountable nouns in some cases. In this part, the use of articles (a, an, the) for both countable and uncountable nouns is presented:
1. countable nouns: use with
A countable noun is something you can count: 30 books, many manuscripts, 100 apples, several PCs.
1. Before a singular countable noun you must put an article (a / an or the).
Example: You cannot leave the country without a passport. (NOT You cannot leave country without passport .)
2. If you are talking about something in general, then do not use the with plural nouns.
Example: Throughout the world, full professors tend to earn more than researchers. (NOT Throughout the world, the full professors tend to earn more than the researchers .)
3. Scientific / technical acronyms whose last letter stands for a countable noun behave like other countable nouns. They thus require an article when used in the singular, and an -s when used in the plural.
Example: The number of purchases of CDs is only 1% of what is was 25 years ago. (NOT The number of purchases of CD is only 1% of what is was 25 years ago.)
4. After as and in ,a few singular countable nouns are used without any article.
Example: We used X as input , and Y as output . (NOT We used X as an input, and Y as an output.)
Today, one of the most difficult challenges for student is writing an academic paper. While knowledge and oratory are what students need more in the professional world, writing a research paper demands more than these two skills.
there are significant differences between the ways that researchers from different disciplines (for example medical, mathematical and sociological) write and construct their articles. However, whatever field you are in, the rules of well-structured paper in English are the same: clarity, logic, conciseness (no redundancy), no ambiguity, and the highest level of readability possible.
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