Learning tenses and how they are used in English will help you to be able to improve your speaking and writing skills.
The tenses simply indicate the time of an action or state of being as shown by a verb.
Time can be split into three periods The Present (what you are doing), The Past (what you did) and The Future (what you are going to do, or hope / plan to do).
In the rest of the essay I introduce the different types of tenses used in English Grammar then I will share some tips to enhance your grammar tenses skill. ادامه مطلب ...
Today, one of the most difficult challenges for student is writing an academic paper. While knowledge and oratory are what students need more in the professional world, writing a research paper demands more than these two skills.
This essay is aimed at students or researchers in any field of study who wish to write a research paper in English. This article is useful for both inexperienced and experienced authors (also authors whose first language are English or not). It helps You to increase your chances of acceptance of your manuscript.
The essay is divided into several parts and each part will be published every Tuesday through this weblog. ادامه مطلب ...
Today, one of the most difficult challenges for student is writing an academic paper. While knowledge and oratory are what students need more in the professional world, writing a research paper demands more than these two skills.
there are significant differences between the ways that researchers from different disciplines (for example medical, mathematical and sociological) write and construct their articles. However, whatever field you are in, the rules of well-structured paper in English are the same: clarity, logic, conciseness (no redundancy), no ambiguity, and the highest level of readability possible.
ادامه مطلب ...Today, one of the most difficult challenges for student is writing an academic paper. While knowledge and oratory are what students need more in the professional world, writing a research paper demands more than these two skill.
there are significant differences between the ways that researchers from different disciplines (for example medical, mathematical and sociological) write and construct their articles. However, whatever field you are in, the rules of well-structured paper in English are the same: clarity, logic, conciseness (no redundancy), no ambiguity, and the highest level of readability possible.
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با توجه به اتمام امتحانات دانشکده جلسه هم افزایی روز شنبه مورخ 1394/04/06 در ساعت 11 در طبقه چهارم دانشکده صنایع برگزار خواهد شد.
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در ادامه فایل آشنایی با روش ابتکاری GRASP برای دانلود قرار داده شده است.
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جلسه رفع اشکال مربوط به نرم افزار متلب در مورخ ذیل برگزار خواهد شد.
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موارد زیر به عنوان تمرین جلسه هم افزایی مورخ شنبه 1394/02/05 در نظر گرفته شده است:
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دوستان گرامی موارد زیر به عنوان تکلیف جلسه شنبه مورخ 29/01/1394 در نظر گرفته شده است.
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نرم افزار MATLAB یک نرم افزار سطح بالا و با محیطی جذاب برای دانشجویان و محققین رشته های ریاضی و مهندسی است، که در ابتدا براساس زبان برنامه نویسی C توسعه داده شد.
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